Saturday, February 26, 2011

3 month post placement report

Today, Ms. Earlene Logan with Oklahoma Home Study came to our house for our 3 month post placement report.  Isaac was asleep most of the time which was okay as it gave the three of us (Nathan, Earlene, and myself) time to talk and her to ask questions for this report.  We have to do a report at 3, 6, and 12 months...$300 each time, plus $50 in gas for Earlene as she drives from "the city" (oklahoma city that is).  It was a good visit.  She started out by asking "so, has your life changed very much?", an interesting way to begin.  Just completely changed!  So she asked us about his sleeping and eating habits, what he likes to do, how we each adjusted, things like that.  It was a nice visit, Earlene is a nice lady.  It was strange however in one way b/c I was reminded that he is adopted.  I know that sounds strange b/c obviously he is adopted, our lives have been full of adoption the past 2 years now. But Isaac is very much my son, it only makes sense that he is in our family, I don't see him as adopted most days...of course I think about it daily, but we're just a "normal" family in so many ways. It was good today to review all that we've been through so far.  All the paperwork, the waiting, the praying, court, embassy, waiting and praying more!  After she left we all ate some lunch and then went to Harmony House to see Mariah and Beth Stacey as neither of them have met him yet.  We ordered coffee, Isaac squirmed in his high chair (he does not like to be restrained, he has too much exploring to do, too many people he needs to go meet, this boy needs to be on the move at all times...except when reading a book, he will sit still for that, and he LOVES being read to I might add).  I had warned Isaac before I got him out of the car that Harmony House is usually very full of estrogen, just a head's up.  But he's charming and friendly, so smiling, cooing women bring out the best in him! It was great to catch up w/ our friend Alen Stacey who was there to see his wife Beth, just a great and supportive couple! There was one table of women who commented on how cute he was, and asked if he is our son. Again, a totally appropriate question to ask, but it started me at first b/c of course he's my son....but of course, it's a fitting question since we are a bit different in skin color.  I wonder if I'll ever get used to it.  It's good to talk about his adoption to others, I guess it's kind of like talking about the birth of your child to a stranger, maybe, kind of. 
But it's been a great day, a good restful Saturday! Grateful we are home, good to reflect today on our journey up until this point.  Good to have this boy with us in our family!

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